Institutional Repository, Rajeev Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate College Ambikapur, Distt. Surguja, Chhattisgarh(India), Pin Code - 497001-Dr.Mahendra Kumar Maurya
Dr.Mahendra Kumar Maurya
Dielectric and photoconductivity dependence study of four-wave mixing process in photorefractive materials
, Dr.Mahendra Kumar Maurya
Issue Date
Document Abstract
Phase-conjugate (PC) reflectivity is one of the most important parameters that characterize the four-wave mixing process in photorefractive (PR) materials. In this paper, the effect of the crystal thickness, modulation ratio and pump intensity ratio on the PC reflectivity of four-wave has been studied in case of the degenerate four-wave mixing process in PR materials. Also, the influence of photoconductivity and dielectric constant of PR materials on the PC reflectivity of the four-wave has been analyzed in case of the non-degenerate wave mixing process of PR materials. It has been found that the reflectivity of the PC wave for BGO and BSO have shown almost similar behavior like LiNbO3 with the peak values observed at 1.21 pS/cm and 1.69 pS/cm. The present results showed that the reflectivity of the PC wave is different for all the materials of dielectric constant 32 (LiNbO3), 40 (BGO) and 56 (BSO) and is higher for higher value of dielectric constant, suggesting that the reflectivity of the PC wave not only depends on the dielectric constant of the photorefractive materials but also strongly depends upon the photoconductivity of the materials. For lower value of coupling coefficient, it is observed that the peak intensity of reflectivity of PC wave occur at higher thickness and for higher values of coupling coefficient it is observed at lower crystal thickness. The enhancement in the reflectivity of the optical phase-conjugate wave would greatly improve the performance of the devices based on the four wave mixing process. Such devices find applications in the areas like optical memories, information processing, real-time processing, beam steering, beam combining, resonators and pattern formation.
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
Rights :
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)