Institutional Repository, Rajeev Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate College Ambikapur, Distt. Surguja, Chhattisgarh(India), Pin Code - 497001-Dr.Mahendra Kumar Maurya
Dr.Mahendra Kumar Maurya
Payload and sail loading dependence study of design sensitivity function and characteristic acceleration of solar sail
, Dr.Mahendra Kumar Maurya
Issue Date
Document Abstract
In this paper, we have investigated the dependence of characteristic acceleration and design sensitivity function of solar sail on mass and area of solar sail by solving the dynamics of solar sails using electromagnetic treatment of Maxwell’s and quantum mechanics of Einstein’s theories. It is found that the solar sail with large area A, fewer payloads mass mp and sail loading r would be best for distribution in space to meet the new avenues of space science. It has also been observed that higher relative characteristic acceleration procured by using sail of large area with low density sail film as much as possible, which is our requirement for mission of solar sail.
Document Year
Subject Name
Publisher Name
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
Rights :
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)