Institutional Repository, Rajeev Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate College Ambikapur, Distt. Surguja, Chhattisgarh(India), Pin Code - 497001-Dr.S.K.Shrivastava
Comparative Characterization of Water Source Flowing in Ultapani Drain and Water Samples of other nearby Sources
, Dr.S.K.Shrivastava
Issue Date
Document Abstract
Water quality is a critical aspect of environmental health, impacting both human and ecological well-being. This study aims to compare and characterize the water source flowing in Ultapani drain with water samples collected from other nearby sources. The objective is to assess the variations in physical and chemical parameters, providing insights into the overall water quality in the study area. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to establish the context and identify the knowledge gaps in existing research. The study area was described, including the Ultapani drain and its surrounding water sources. Sampling locations were carefully selected to ensure representative samples from different sources. Water samples were collected by following standard protocols and analyzed for various parameters. Physical characteristics such as pH, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen were measured using appropriate instruments. Chemical parameters, including nutrient levels and heavy metal contamination, were analyzed through laboratory techniques. The result revealed significant variations in water quality parameters between Ultapani drain and nearby water sources. Ultapani drain exhibited higher levels of turbidity and dissolved oxygen compared to other sources. However, nutrient levels were found to be elevated in Ultapani drain, indicating potential pollution sources. Heavy metal contamination was observed in both Ultapani drain and nearby sources, albeit at varying concentrations. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the comparative characterization of water sources in the study area. Understanding the variations in water quality parameters can aid in identifying potential pollution sources and formulating appropriate management strategies. Further research is needed to investigate the specific sources of pollution and their impacts on the overall water quality in the region.
Document Year
Subject Name
Publisher Name
International Journal of Applied Research In Applied Science & Engineering Technology
Rights :
International Journal of Applied Research In Applied Science & Engineering Technology