Institutional Repository, Rajeev Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate College Ambikapur, Distt. Surguja, Chhattisgarh(India), Pin Code - 497001-Gladis S Mathew
Gladis S Mathew
NEP 2020 and Transgender Communities’ Education: A Transformative Approach or Missed Opportunity?
, Gladis S Mathew
Issue Date
Document Abstract
A new age of educational reform in India has begun with the National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020, with its grand promises of inclusion and fair access to high-quality education. We will examine the policy’s possible effects on transgender education in this critical study, delving into the question of whether it is a transformative strategy or a lost opportunity. We are able to reveal the intricate network of obstacles that the transgender community faces when attempting to further their education by dissecting important legislation and implementation issues. Though the NEP 2020 offers hope for a more welcoming educational environment, overcoming deeply ingrained cultural prejudices and systemic impediments will be necessary for the program to succeed in eliminating long-standing inequities within the transgender population. This paper provides an overview of our extensive research, which analyzes the complex interactions between policy intentions and practical implementations, providing insight into the way forward for achieving true educational parity for transgender people in India
Document Year
Subject Name
Publisher Name
Society and Culture Development in India
Rights :
ARF India.