Institutional Repository, Rajeev Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate College Ambikapur, Distt. Surguja, Chhattisgarh(India), Pin Code - 497001-Gladis S Mathew
Gladis S Mathew
Passing the torch: An examination of Ancestor Veneration and its role in cultural heritage
, Gladis S Mathew
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Document Abstract
Ancestor veneration is a phenomenon that can be observed in various cultures around the world, where individuals honor and pay tribute to their deceased ancestors. This practice has been recognized as a significant aspect of cultural heritage in the Birhor tribal society too, as it embodies the beliefs and values of a community, and helps to preserve their cultural identity over time. This paper aims to examine the role of ancestor veneration in cultural heritage from an anthropological perspective. It explores the ways in which ancestor veneration is practiced in Birhor tribal society, the cultural meanings and symbols associated with this practice, and its impact on the transmission of cultural knowledge from generation to generation. The paper argues that ancestor veneration serves as a mechanism for passing the torch of cultural heritage from one generation to the next, by connecting individuals to their cultural past and providing them with a sense of continuity and belonging. Furthermore, the paper highlights the ways in which ancestor veneration has adapted to changing social and cultural contexts, such as urbanization, and how it continues to evolve as a dynamic aspect of cultural heritage. Overall, the paper emphasizes the importance of understanding ancestor veneration as a critical component of cultural heritage and highlights the need for further research and documentation of this practice to ensure its preservation for future generations.
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RESEARCH HUB International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
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Gladis S Mathew