Institutional Repository, Rajeev Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate College Ambikapur, Distt. Surguja, Chhattisgarh(India), Pin Code - 497001-Dr.Arvind Kumar Gour
Dr.Arvind Kumar Gour
An Analysis of commercialization and applicability of Cyber Law in IPR Through Internet : IN INdian Perspective
, Dr.Arvind Kumar Gour
Issue Date
Document Abstract
| Intellectual Property Right i. e. IPR is new and developed form of legal rights. Means to say that it provided the legal protection of individual, companies, researchers, and many sectors for whom to move the innovations. There are many rights granted for his specific types of work like | Patent, Trademark, Copy right, and others. | Cyber law is the Rules and regulations that does not only protection of rights rather deals with | criminal's aspects and any crimes through internet. The world Intellectual Property organization in 15th agencies is United Nations. WIPO was | emerged in 1967. Which result of intellectual doings the scientific and creativity as stated by | field of WIPO. In 21st century are coming that we have IPR is moved from paper to paperless world. The | technology advancement are feal any aspects of human beings and many more changes in | humans life. Peoples to create and share intangible creativity of human intellect in the virtual | world with the help of technological advancement and revolution of digitalization through |internet. Novation and Innovation are such a termed as Intellectual Property. IPR and Cyber law are totally different of each other but there are many similarity and | connecting factor between cyber law and IPR. This research paper is explore the basic understanding of IPR and Cyber law. Besides this many | students and researchers will be introduced in Indian legislationsand instrumentsthrough IPR in era.
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International Advanced Research Journal of Commerce, Arts and Science
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International Advanced Research Journal of Commerce, Arts and Science